What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
Proudly: None.

That means whatever I paid (and the lesson learnt) in the past 20 years finally gave me something nice.

  • Decca Garrott Brothers Grey Export cartridge
  • 1 $40 fuse
  • 3 pairs of Shuguang Black 12AX7LS tubes
  • Pair of Shuguang 6SN7 Globe tubes
  • CTC oversize aluminum platter for 401
  • 6 gallons of distilled water

iFi AC iPurifier

Trilogy 907 phono stage    It replaced my much appreciated Nagra BPS. I met with Nic Poulson at Axpona to better understand his work and, specifically, the 907. It's still breaking in, but so far I am really quite pleased. And I bought it new - what a concept!
  • HD Plex 200W linear power supply
  • Samsung 860 QVO 1TB SSD
  • Mad Scientist Audio - Heretical Digital Cable
  • Cambridge CXUHD 4K player
  • Datasat RA2400 (used)