Geoffkait - right???

As my system becomes more resolving, it’s much easier to hear the results of tweaks. Since most of my IC’s are balanced, they can only be plugged in one direction. Yet, I do have S/PDIF cables that can be reversed. A Pure Note Paragon Enhanced S/PDIF has been parked in my HT system for years. I thought I’d give it a try again in my 2ch rig. There’s even an arrow for signal flow. After settling in, the music sounded pleasant, but not very engaging. So, I reversed the cable with the arrow facing the source -Voilà. Everything snapped into place. A rich, organic presentation with excellent dynamics and tone. The difference in direction was obvious. Thx to Geoffkait for recommending to try it both ways!


geoffkait is frequently right.

That is not to say that directionality of the wire should not be left to someone more level-headed and less passionate about proving himself right every time.

>>>>One assumes you mean left to someone more pointed-headed and less passionate about proving himself wrong every time, like yourself.

I have no passion about proving myself wrong. Proving you wrong, however, is entertaining at times.

"One assumes..." is not the best approach to anything. For example, it starts with "one assumes that all wire is directional" while "another one assumes it is not so". One then has to assume that one of those two is correct. Being passionate about wire directionality is a good start of a humorous relationship. Nobody could assume anything else about that.

Are you going to reverse all the wire in your gear, too? Maybe go down to the recording studio and reverse their cables as well? How about the power lines coming into your house, they ok? 

Are you going to reverse all the wire in your gear, too? Maybe go down to the recording studio and reverse their cables as well? How about the power lines coming into your house, they ok?

>>>>In fact, I did exactly that when I hopped off the power grid entirely and got rid of power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, transformers, fuses, all that internal wiring. Follow? As far as the recordings it’s too late to do anything about that. But if it were up to me I would control all cables and wire in studios for directionality, too. Why not? If it’s better.

I heard that batteries may also have reversed polarity but people rarely check for it.

SONY Sports headphones (yellow and grey, not yellow only) were notorious for their "wrong direction" cables and a bad batch of 3.5 mm connectors on them. Those connectors had polarity reversed, according to the stories.