Speakers for a small room

I am looking to build a list. What would you say are the best speakers for a small room? Why? Price is up to 6.5k new or used. Room is 11ft x 16ft with 7ft10 ceilings. Thanks! 

Related info: amp is pass labs xa30.8. 
@ostrey93 Not sure i would call a room that is 11x16x7'10" as small! That is a fairly good size...and has reasonable volume.
Nonetheless, I think you are probably on the right track with stand mounts and a couple of REL Subs. Take a look at my system picture and you can see how I deal with a much smaller room with that kind of a set-up.
Have you downloaded REW (Room EQ Wizard) and taken a look? All you need is a calibrated mic. There might still be potential for improvement via room treatment. If you send your REW measurements to GIK, they can give suggestions (I did this). Also, the measurements might show if speaker-boundary interference is causing a dip in your frequency response which might be helped by adjusting speaker or listening location.
@daveyf I thought it was decent sized as well but there is something about it that doesn't agree with me. I a currently looking at some special 40's and a pair of t5i's. Time will tell what I settle on.
@mktmkt: I will give the digital EQ readings a go before I make any final decisions. I am located in Canada so GIK isn't an option. I have Primacoustics London 12 room kit plus some extra panels that I ordered individually. My dealer has given me some advice on how to best position them and I have done a fair bit of research into where my reflections points are in my room. 

Thanks for the insight you two.