Salk Song 3A or Song 3 BeAT?

Looking to upgrade from my Gallo CL3 and one of my top choices based on research 
is the Salk Song 3A/Song 3 BeAT. Wondering if anyone has heard them and can comment on either or both. I love the cabinet work and the quality of the parts used, just wondering how that all translates sonically. I know there are some comments on Audiocircle but apparently not enough.
The BeAT would likely be better in a smaller room than the Encore.  I'd say that the Encore's bass might be too overpowering in a smaller room.  I've got a fairly open room and I feel the bass from the Encores.  In my experience, I haven't been afforded the luxury of a large listening room (and neither do most of my audio friends) so the BeAT would excel in those rooms.
I had the opportunity to listen to a friends BeATs in a large room....easily 4000+ cubic feet....and they had plenty of low end, 5' out from the rear wall and 10' back to the listening position....

check out the latest BeATs finish.
Also, if you go much larger than the BeATs...the return cost is a small fortunate if you don't love them.
Just came back to this forum, I'm loving the discussion on the BeATs.  I have a 19'8 x 14,7 which is fairly open would you think they would be suitable for that type of living room.

@snapsc that's a really nice finish I will definitely take a look at that website, I think I'm going for Chocolate mousse to match this in my living room TV stand:

What type of veneer wood would you guys suggest for that chocolate mousse color? I'm guessing it really doesn't make too much of a difference on acoustics?
Yes I am aware, I am just wondering what type of material people usually go for. Oak?