Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?
I am a very happy customer of the IQSE's. I wasn't a fan of the way they were advertised , however.
I tried 2 in my room and very surprised also. In a good way . These things wreally work. I don’t know how (and don’t really care) they work but final result is absolutely astonishing. 
Very happy I dared to try them.

My system is running Stein Harmonizer. I've read about the synergy between the Bybee Room Neutralizers and the Stein Harmonizer. I hope for user reviews about synergy. What should I experience in my system in the first place? Active or passive converters of the room?

I have the complete Stein Harmonizer (6 units), 8 blue diamonds and 6 blue suns in my system. I have never had such realism, focus or layered soundstage since putting these devices in the system. I listen for hours each day, hard to stop. Highly recommend.