Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six

My review on the Tekton Design Perfect Set just was posted on Six Hope it gives all the information and details why this another killer speaker from this company. 
Great review as always Terry! It was your Home Theatre review 3 years back that gave me the courage to take the plunge and order Tekton Design's OB Sigma speakers, and I have enjoyed them every bit since. Your assessment and listening impressions about them are spot-on.

Since that time, I have seen TD's introduction of Eric's patented time- and mass- alignment concept from the Double Impacts, to the Encores, the Ulfberhts, and many others, including these Perfect SETs and Perfect SET 15s.

I must admit that I have been tempted to pull the trigger to get one of these new tech speakers, but I fear losing what I love so much in the OB Sigma, specifically it's open, airy and lack of box-coloration sound that typify open-baffle speakers. It gives music a sort of organic, relaxed and open portrayal of the music, it is as if the music "breathes", if you know what I mean.

I have monobloc OTL amps that deliver 120W into 8 ohm loads (or about 45W into 4 ohms), so I'm not running "flea-powered" amps. What I'd like to ask you is for your comparison of the OB Sigmas to the Perfect SET and yes, comparing the Perfect SETs to the Double Impacts / Encores / Ulfs.

If I moved from the OB Sigmas to e.g. the Perfect SET, would I miss the open-baffle sound character, or do the Perfect SET manage to achieve that too? In short, would the Perfect SET be a big step up in sound quality over the OB Sigmas? 

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work and honest reviews!
I don't understand why people keep knocking Terry about his honest Tekton Design reviews, and allege that he is somehow affiliated or getting some form of "bribe" or benefit from TD. If anyone took the trouble to look up Tekton Design, they sell direct to customers, from their own factory!

Why make such hurtful insinuations or attacks on decent folks without first doing some basic research? Even if you disagree with a reviewer's listening impressions and review, everyone in this hobby (or profession) knows that different folks have different listening tastes and we all expect for some listening preferences in the devices we install / buy / try.

Secondly, even if you like what a reviewer says, you are still going to at least try or audition the equipment you're thinking of buying, right? So why not do that? If you're not interested in that item or have other stuff in mind, then give it a pass... but please, why go on an attack? Perhaps you could just say "I disagree" if you have listened to the item under review, and move on.

Peace, all, I'm just trying to give some perspective here. Thanks!
Did you read this review? Have you read his posts about this speaker company? Does this seem like normal behavior for a reviewer or a satisfied customer? I dont read 6moons, but I did read this review and I am shocked that it was run.

No insinuations just that I find this whole thing odd and distasteful. If I owned Tekton I would tell him to stop the gushing.
Hello jsautter,

I think you could have safely concluded that if I'm interested in getting the Perfect SET speakers, and Terry comes out with a review on it, and I'm asking questions on this forum announcing his review about the very same speakers, that I certainly have read the review.

Honestly, I don't know what you mean by the whole thing being odd and distasteful. Perhaps I am accustomed to seeing TD receiving high praise from many of its customers, of whom I am one (and I was skeptical before I bought a pair), so I don't really find Terry's review odd and certainly not at all distasteful. To me, if a professional reviewer stakes his/her reputation so blatantly and forcefully on a review, that speaks loads about them being so clear cut and honest. I'm sure they end up losing readers who simply don't agree with them (and I mean even those civilized readers who just have a different opinion), but that's good to know, isn't it? I very much prefer reviews where the reviewer does not hedge a review so that it ends up being tremendously flowery and full of puff and vague statements about a quality / qualities I cannot really imagine or correlate to, and all ending up being "overall very positive" but "hey, I told you there's some teeny drawbacks, but not so teeny actually, but really for the price range, you can forgive it...."

If Terry is, in your assessment, not a reliable reviewer, he's not going to be the first or last reviewer who's got that badge. I sure hope he doesn't give in to the pressure to "conform" to towing any line or style of writing, but if he does, that's too bad. 

By the way, I tend to rely on more than one reputable review of any audio component, and I especially give more weight to users who actually own it, before deciding to risk a purchase. I'm sure most of us in the hobby do this too.
