Benchmark AHB2 - To 'mono' or not to 'mono'

I own a single Benchmark AHB2 amp and have been considering another in order to run both in bridged mono mode, which will provide significantly more power to my speakers and presumably, greater dynamics. I've read in other threads where other owners (and perhaps others with opinions) had implied both positive and negative impressions concerning this approach. Assuming I'm not considering purchasing other amps at this time, does anyone have experience with both approaches and will you please share your impressions?
You lost me.  What do you mean by bridged.  Why would you ever want mono.  Wouldn’t you lose stero?  Wouldn’t this be like listening to an AM radio.  I still don’t understand why people would ever buy a $20,000 turn table because don’t you looses lot of detail compared to digital by way of CD player.  The first thing I noticed when hearing vinyl is the crisp highs disappeared such as cymbals.  The tightness of sound disappears and sounds muddy.  I have read articles about this and many think listening to music played on vinyl sounds inferior to digital.  Vinyl sounds warmer but the detail disappears.  I like to hear the detail.  Kind of compares to listening to compressed music as compared to listening to 16 and 24 bit.
I love this amp! Absolutely, definitely, without any doubt what so ever get another one!
Not sure what planet we are living on but when you mono strap this amp you drop the impedance of the output stage and increase the damping factor! Not only that but power is everything in an amp. The ability to handle dynamic peaks without clipping just makes a system sound so much more alive and this amp does the mono strap routine as well or better than any other amp I have tried it with. I do not think you could make a bigger, better improvement for $3k in any otherwise well set up system. And, these amps do a very creditable job of driving my speakers (with the addition of a 3/4 ohm series resistor in the primary) which means they will drive anything. The build quality is absolutely top notch. You will never have a reason to buy another amplifier. 
@tobes - I find that I tend to stop following discussions after the trolls find them and do what they do. I'd rather politely ignore them than provide them with the attention they so obviously lack and need. I don't know all of the names yet, but they do tend to self-identify fairly quickly and in a pretty pathetic way.