Yamaha integrated amp as3000 vs Pass integrated

Hi ! I’m very interesting in the new line Yamaha AS3000 and want to hear other have compare it with some of the pass labs int , what are your thoughts on both of the gears , so far I been looking at a used totl Yamaha but I haven’t seen any come up used , it kinda rare here so it made me think that people must love and want to keep it , so what are your thoughts ?
I own the Yamaha AS3000 and definitely wouldn’t describe it as having a bright edge. To the contrary actually. Nice fluid and spacious sound (not quite as spacious as good tubes though). I used to own a Pass Labs X250 amp and x1 pre and while that was a number of years ago I would think the two are quite comparible with the Yamaha maybe being a tad more organic sounding. But different speakers and too many years have passed to say for sure. Either is a great piece. Aesthetics are a personal issue but I prefer the AS3000 especially in silver. Gorgeous piece.
@arch2 my whole systems was black , if my systems was silver I would get the one from you already ! Too bad.
@browndt the int 250 is very nice piece but it ewas over my used budget ! My budget was less than 4K ! For the moneys less than 4K you will get totl Yamaha AS3000 it hard to beat !
@atl4love Hi Andy, I didn't realize you were the one asking the question. Actually I'm going to hang on to my AS3000. Even though I'm not using it presently (back to tubes) I really like it and will probably use in a second system. BTW you mention above about not wanting to get the black factory refurbished unit. Though my 3000 isn't a refurb I did end up purchasing the matching Yamaha NSF901 speakers for this integrated as factory refurbished through A4L last year. I have had zero issues with them and they look new, so my experience with A4L has been very good. Good luck with your search!