The Music Room

Hi has anyone done business with The Music Room?  They seem legit, but their lack of a published address makes me a little nervous
I have had multiple, excellent experiences with TMR.  I sold/traded some big speakers toward some other speakers they had.  I also bought McIntosh from them.  I technically took a hit on the speakers-- but they made my life easy and that is worth a lot to me.  I am local to them so I was able to do an in person swap.

The reason I mention this is if I had tried to sell the speakers here, the time, shipping, hassle, fees would have caused me stress...  

If you understand how consignment of higher end goods work (Watches, Guitars, or Audiophile gear), here is what I have come to see as "fair" and "industry norm" over the years.

  1. Forget "List/Retail" pricing, or what you paid "New"
  2. Find the average used sale price (eBay, Forums, etc.) [factor condition]
  3. Now subtract 30% from that #2 [Average Used Sale Price, which could be HIGHER than what you paid in rare/collectable circumstances] 
Example:  If speakers cost you/listed for $5000, but they are selling for ~$3000 used, take 30% off.  $3000 - $900 = $2100 would be the "fair/nominal" amount you should expect.  If you can do better reselling yourself, then by all means, you should.  (In my scenario, a $900 hit, was insurance against shipping/packaging issues, time spent photographing/posting, PayPal/Audiogon fees, and not having to deal with the general public).  Personally, I will take 'time' over 'money'.   YMMV.   

Post removed 
I ordered a pair of speakers on Mar 1 from the Music Room and as of Mar 15, no speakers. Probably FedEx is to blame but perhaps TMR should be more careful with their choice of shipping partner.


If this site had the option of making certain posts "stickies (sic)" I would nominate your response on 03-07-19 as a "stickie (sic)"

It is thrilling to see all of the discussion taking place here. I don't usually jump into these conversations, but I just can't help myself in this case. Any business that sells over 6000 pieces of USED consumer electronics every year will undoubtedly have some significant issues along the way. I like to think that it's how we deal with these issues that counts. Our 100% feedback ratings here and on eBay should surely speak volumes about our commitment to doing the right thing by our customers 100% of the time. As far as the notion of "low-ball" offers, we don't make ANY money if someone refuses our offers. So obviously, low-balling people is no way to build a business. The fact is that our buyers appraise over 20,000 pieces of used gear every year representing over 600 unique brands and 5+ decades. Your local car dealer only has to know how to navigate an annually published NADA bluebook covering a handful of brands to give you a fair trade offer. There's simply no comparison, and like it or not, we're just going to be wrong sometimes. When that happens, we're just like anyone else - we want to hear back from you and have a conversation to learn where we might have gone wrong. And if we don't see things, the same way? Well, there's no hard feelings. We're just a bunch of music-loving, audio-geeks trying to have fun while making a living in our little warehouse just outside of Boulder, Colorado. Drop me a line sometime at with any comments or questions- good or bad. I'll be happy to listen and learn how we can keep improving our service here. Thanks again to all of our loyal customers!

Josh Jackson (owner)