Vintage Carver

Anyone still using Carver, if so how old and have you done any work to them such as recapping ?

I had an MXR-130 receiver for 30 years. It sounded terrific, IMO. At the time I sold it (about three years ago) it wasn’t "worth" more than $200. It needed to be repaired twice for the same reason, having to do with burnt resistors on the top most board (those who read my post elsewhere know I play loud, so the unit got hot) and I (supposedly) didn’t keep enough clearance to cool the unit passively. When the unit was brand new, there was a problem with the relays, and that too was repaired.

I have Bob’s cell number and personal email (albeit the data is a few years old) should anyone be interested. PM me. I also have other carver repair contact info.

I’m reluctant to post this type of info on the forum on account of certain recent posts of mine have been viewed in a negative light. :)
I still use a HR-772 I bought new in the mid 80s for my office.  I run a TFM 35 in my bedroom & an upgraded TFM 45 in my living room .
Still using two Carver TFM-42s in mono mode driving my newly acquired Legacy Whisper XDS. No modifications, may look into recapping myself in the near future. Am considering a pair of Raven 350s.

Carver Amazing Silver speakers have been re-purposed to the home gym.

Have a CT-17 Pre-amp, sd/a-490t CD Player and a cassette deck (can't remember model number). None of which are being used at this time.