Amps for Paradigm Persona 3f

Looking for experience of Audiogoners and dealers in good amp matches for Persona 3f.
System in a medium sized, oddly shaped room with very little bass node action. Jazz, pop, geezer rock listened to at moderate volume. If you have any specific experience with Parasound A-21, PrimaLuna Integrateds, (got a Prologue 2), Hegel 80, (also own)-I am especially curious. Realize that’s a few levels below the typical amp mating for this Paradigm model.
Any suggestions, and real world experience are welcome (higher price point suggestions are also good, even expected). Thanks
I heard the 3f's with new anthem gear yesterday and the demo was impressive, I have a little concern about the exaggerated bass output but I expect that was speaker design choice and had nothing to do with the amp.
 The patch for the 225i has the unit shut itself off once the dial swings past 12 o'clock, it prevents disaster but still happened occasionally when I was turning up the volume by remote, still at current prices a great value.
@dmance I admire your courage in running the 3f and 5f on that very fine tube amp. I would be terrified that I would tempted to push the volume too high at some point and fry those beryllium drivers. The 9H is another kettle of fish and I would probably not be unnecessarily anxiety ridden using that amp to drive the 9Hs and I’m sure that setup sounds awesome. I’m evaluating the 9H right now and running them off a Pass Labs amp which does sound pretty sweet. When they were demoed the dealer was using the Anthem STR integrated to drive them first, then some Mac gear (not impressed there). They sound 100 times better in my room on my rig (Aesthetix pre / Pass power amp and a full loom of Synergistic Research cables throughout.