Guilty Pleasures

garfish’s recent thread on c/w music brought to mind the “guilty pleasures” admissions recently submitted by TAS writers and reviewers. a “guilty pleasure,” roughly speaking, is a musical selection one adores but plays only in secret, fearing its publication as an audiophile’s favorite might elicit ridicule or, at least, laughter. so, fellow a-goners, are you willing to confess to a couple of your guilty pleasures? I’ll start with two and add others if this thread gets going: (1) “not for kids only,” j. garcia & d. grisman; (2) ‘the little mermaid,” OST.
......what a goof. Thanks for the correction Avguy. I REALLY did know that the Hollies did "Long Cool Woman...". Seems I had it right next to Three Dog Night, who did "Never Been to Spain",-- that song is another guilty pleasure of mine. Thanks. Craig
Cornfed; I too remember the night that those guys died. They were headed for Moorehead, Minn. (just across the river from Fargo, ND)-- I lived about 90 miles north of Fargo. It's fair to say Buddy Holly was a hero of mine. Not only did I like his music, but he wore horn rimmed glasses, which made wearing them acceptable to me and to society. Cheers. Craig.
captain & tenille, come in from the rain and wedding song. beautiful, but people laugh and say you like what!?!?!?!--
What a great thread, we can imberass our selves but we do not know each other(for the most part). That being said I enjoy listening to Thomas Dolby a lot! and even on a bad day I like Bon Jovi but the condition's have to be right for the latter of the two. As for Thomas Dolby most all of his music ANY time is just fantastic.
tireguy: man, there's some wierd stuff goin' on here. one of the lp's i use as a "test" when auditioning new equipment is "aliens ate my buick" ; best track, of course, is "it don't mean a thing, if you ain't got...." here's another example of a "rock" record that's well recorded, despite what one might expect from the "musical profiling" of the genre.