See the speakers Bose uses in their Critical Listening Room

Saw this on another forum-

The article states they use Genelec studio monitors but what are the tall speakers in the pic?
If I were Bose, I would spend all that development money on designing, constructing and configuring a moveable-surfaced auto interior as a test lab. Only in that environment can one listen in real time, make adjustments to placement, panels, shape, volume, drivers, etc. I see no connection between the "studio" they set up and a car/truck/SUV/RV/bus interior. Also, their logic for using Genelecs makes absolutely no sense.

No wonder they have never been accepted by this community as a serious player. I mean, I’m from Boston and I’ve heard music performed in Symphony Hall many times, but there is no way that place translates to my home let alone my car. And the drive from there to Framingham? Apples and oranges. It’s just silly.

Disclaimer: at one time, long ago, I owned 501s and I thought they were the cat’s whiskers, until I heard better.
@millercarbon, thanks I must be blind.  Would be interesting to know what drivers they chose.
LOL at the people here who just assume that they know more than the experts that Bose employs. Bose knows exactly what they are doing and the market they are targeting. This article would seem to confirm this.
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Bose has actual audio engineers, unlike a lot of these garage companies ...
That's probably true, but doesn't explain why Bose products tend to sound so awful. You know the old saw: "No highs, no lows, must be Bose."