Anyone tried the new miniDSP SHD as a Pre amp??????

Anyone here tried the new miniDSP SHD as a Pre amp?

It got analog & digital inputs.  Volume control.  4 outs to incorporate a Sub or 2.   Dirac room correction..
It does everything I want in a neat package.


Question is, has anyone heard it?   Does it stand up to “audiophile” standards?

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Ive been playing around with one and some open baffle speakers and subs.    I really wanted to get a wavelet, but for 1/4 the price could not pass this up.   Dac is good, might even say very good.   

apples to apples with my lp27 pre amp,its not audiophile, but its pretty clean for a digital type piece.
I'm looking at one of these units as well.

"apples to apples with my lp27 pre amp,its not audiophile, but its pretty clean for a digital type piece."

batman1971:   so it's not audiophile because it's digital?  I'm trying to understand your specific comment.  Is it a SQ issue?   

Thanks in advance for your clarification.  Much appreciated!   
I bought one and it's awesome! It takes some work to learn it but it's worth it. It has replaced my Ayre Kx5 MP for now. This thing does things no regular pre could ever do. If you have subs you will love it. Sold my JL crossover. This thing is an absolute bargain!