Class A Options for adding Roon and MQA to existing system

I want to add a Class A digital front end to my 2-Channel main music listening system.  My current Streamer is an Oppo Sonica DAC which has a pretty decent D/A capability that I use to stream Tidal music.  What should I look for to add Roon and MQA?  The rest of my system consists of a Linn Sondek LP12 analog front end and a Primaluna CD player both feeding a Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated amplifier.  I'm currently listening through the GoldenEar Triton 3's with my eye on purchasing the Triton References next (after I solidify all of the front ends).  I'd like to keep the Oppo for D/A conversion if possible to be able to focus $$ (looking to spend ~ $,500) on the Roon and MQA processing and be able to upgrade to a higher quality DAC at a later date.  As a bonus, I'd like to be able to include a SSD drive (preferably internal to the new streamer) for local download storage.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The OP has picked an interesting price point at $1.5K. In a Roon world, $1.5K buys a Roon Nucleus. You can further improve on that with another $500 for an Ethernet-to-USB renderer like the Sonore MicroRendu, and perhaps upgrade later from the mR to a SOtM renderer and USB conditioner.

But to support Roon’s impressive DSP engine, you need $2.5K for a Nucleus+ with an i7 processor. Alternatively, for around $1.5K you can install the Roon core with full DSP engine functionality on a QNAP NAS with i5 processor and expandable RAID storage. I’m using a QNAP TVS882 with one SD slot hosting Roon core(with sufficient computing power to fully support the Roon DSP engine) and a second SD slot to cache the music library stored on multiple disk drives in the RAID slots.

You pay a premium for the shrink-wrapped Nucleus, which may or may not be worth it, depending on your ability to set up and maintain a NAS. It’s not that hard to do, and it adds extra value as network storage and back-up for files unrelated to music.

I am serious about Class A, but i am not very computer literate. Ive looked at NUC options and they concern me due to those limitations.  I use a Synology NAS for non-music back-up/ storage and it was a challenge to set up.

I may not be able to get close to Class A at the budget I've set for this front end, but half the fun of being an audio enthusiast and hobbyist is the research, the hunt, and the dialogues like this with others that share the same interests. The other half is enjoying the fruits of that pursuit!

The Aries Mini appears to have the functionality im looking for, but several of the professional reviewers say or imply that versatility and price are its strengths with good but not great sonics. 

Im definately going to keep my eye out for professional reviews of the newly released Bel Canto e.One as well as any observations or suggestions from people on this forum community. 
As far as Mini SQ, I am very impressed with it via USB to Mytek Brooklyn DAC, in my system to my ears, about all I can attest to tbh.
It was an improvement on say, Tidal streaming from my Bluesound Vault 2 which fed the Brooklyn by SPDIF ( no USB out on the Vault).
But yes versality and price are very strong suits for it and with the capability of adding in any size SSD you desire it has become a full music server in my system for now.

I am sure there are lots of even better options but at what price?

Good luck with the search, always half the fun as you say!