what to do with a 25 POUND subwoofer magnet-- broken intermezzo basket


Soooo...long story short. In a rare moment of bad decision making after some wine and music,   I was rotating the 12" -- 30 pound driver in my Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t towers, bombardiered it on the floor, and cracked the basket beyond repair. (please see pictures for the embarrassing carnage)


I am left with the 26 pound magnet. I hate to just throw it away. 

What should I do with it? Buy a new basket, spider, and cone? 
Hold it up to someone's pacemaker and see what happens?
Build a flux-capacitor?

The cone is the CMMD and unfortunately got a bit bent/distorted when removing.
6 Screw holes.

Thanks for the help as always!

infinity Intermezzo 4.t tower speaker subwoofer, infinity intermezzo 1.2s subwoofer

All very good suggestions.

The Clinton's might need my services.

Fishing for scrap could turn up some interesting stuff

I actually like the idea of  a giant magnetic isolation feet/stand.. that could be kind of cool..!!! Going to have to think of some creative ways to do that.

ACRESVERDE--Listen to George, great explanation. Rotating heavy woofers is highly recommended. As to how much longer or better that makes the drivers last is open to debate. A month, a year, 10 years.. who knows
Fishing for interesting stuff on the Clintons, could get you killed.  Better stick to spinning woofers!
Some how I find that better than 80% of the world's population being killed .