HDMI or 7.1 out for best AQ

I recently purchased an Oppo BDP-83 universal player that I will be getting modded in the near future. Some of the mods out there are pretty specific as to what is upgraded in the player, i.e., 2-ch vs Mch vs HDMI outputs. My question to you folks in the know is this: what is the best type of connection to use between the player on HT processor, separate 7.1 RCA's or HDMI? By having an answer to this, I will hopefully know where to put my money most wisely. TIA.

Drewmb likely meant a AVR capable of decoding the new high rez audio formats would use the HDMI output from the Oppo. Kal most likely meant that as your Proceed AVP-2 will not decode the new high rez audio formats your stuck with using the Analog outputs on the Oppo for hi-rez. If this is not what they meant, it is still the case.

"Also, I could then then use a non-Hi-rez capable prepro with the Oppo and still get the the lossless codecs as the Oppo can decode them?"

I have a similar situation. I have had the Oppo-83 for about two months, connected to my B&K Ref 50 S2 pre-pro via 5.1 analog. I use the analog connection exclusively for all disc modes - DVD, CD, SACD, DVD-A and BR. The Oppo decodes everything, including TruHD and DTS-MA. The Oppo sounds exceptional on BR TruHD and DTS-MA, and DVD 5.1. It is very good on CD, SACD and DVD-A. I use the HDMI only for video.

I plan to get the Oppo modded for three LCR analog channels. At that point, I will sell my current tube modded universal DVD player. For now, the Oppo can't match its CD, SACD performance.
I feel your answer lies in your decision to either hang onto the current aV processor, or get a new HDMI type.

gona keep it? Do the analog outs on the 83.... gona get a new AV proc: Do the digital out on the 83.

What does anyone suggest for cable type/manuf. for those of us taking the 5.1/7.1 analog route? What have you had luck with? digital coax (ala Sterovox for example)? Analog interconnects? Is quality just as important here between an Oppo BDP-83 and the AVR?