Maggie 20.7's: Sanders Magtech with Rogue Pharaoh as preamp

Hi,  Just purchased Maggie 20.7's.  I currently have 1.7's and a Rogue Pharaoh.  Selling the 1.7's and looking at getting a Sanders Magtech and using the Rogue as a passive preamp.  Any thoughts?  I know I need to get a Preamp soon.

Thanks, Bob
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You’ll need a separate phono preamp for your turntable if you go the passive preamp route. Also make sure it has enough gain to match your cartridge.
Thanks for the responses.  I do have a Musical Surroundings phono pre amp so I should be ok there.  I did see the link with the complaint on it.  Makes you think.  I think I am going to grab a Krell 400xi integrated amp until i decide.  Should be able to make them play a bit and it's very affordable also. 
Wondering if I can mate a Pathos Inpol 2 with the 20.7's if I use zero boxes.  Any thoughts?  Thanks