Audio aero capitole mk2 need help repairing

Dear: friends,

I have owned this great mk2 cdp for years, recently problem starts to appears, it switches off by itself and turns back on again while playing, and this switching on and off wont stop untill i have to power down the unit and let it rest for a few seconds before turning the power on again. However, this happens in sequence like after a few minute again while playing. It keeps on switching on and off by itself while playing.

I really love this aero, one of the best, most intimate, detail and warm digital player, and it is hard for me to find a replacement, so i would kindly seek help on similar problem and resolution to repair this...

Pls help...thanks alot and I would appreciate any advice....
Any new info on this issue? I have a Capitole MKII CDP and the symptoms seem to match many of the reports here; the player boots normally after power up, CD transport spins up normally, but no output. The preamp section works as the analog inputs have no problem.

Since (based on all the random audio forum discussions) this seems to be related to AC input or the AC/DC module in the unit, I have tried an AVR (APC Line-R 1200VA), feeding stable 220, 230 or 240V to the Capitole. This didn't help. I also suspected some ground loops so I tried connecting just my amps and the Capitole to a single power socket using one extension cord, and using balanced interconnects. No luck. I also tried a power lead with ferrite beads to reduce some of the high frequency noise on the AC line. No effect at all (as maybe expected).

Now I'm wondering whether this could be a heat issue, as the player often works normally if I leave it disconnected for some days... but never works if I have left it on stand by for even few hours? I also have a feeling that the problem appears more frequently if I shut down the unit from the main power switch, but leave the power lead connected rather than disconnect the whole thing. But this should be impossible as the power switch cuts the power to the unit anyways? Or can there be some noise on the ground line that secretly sneaks up into my Capitole and hides somewhere behind a cap if I don't disconnect the mains lead (okay going out to buy a tin foil hat now...)
I used to have similar problem unit would not unmute from time to time when turning on. I spent literally years going from one workshow to another. Finally I have found skillful electronic who spent days measuring it and has found about seven cold solder joints. No more issues since then. I would never guess that cold joint could cause such undeterministic behavior.

Thanks! for sharing. Yes, a cold or poor solder joint can offset any player.

Happy Listening!
I hope this forum group is still operational. I have Audio Aero Capitole MkII for many years. Last month I haven't listened to it for a while and when I turned it on again, "MUTE" appeared on my display. The CD reads normally, all other functions work as well, but there is no sound on the output (and “MUTE” appears on the display). I also turned it off and on several times, checked (disconnected and plugged in) the internal connecting cables, but it’s still the same. Has anyone ever had the same problem? I guess it's some small mistake. What are you suggesting?
Best regards, Sam