B&W 802 N vs. D

I apologize in advance since this is probably an old question, but can someone summarize for me the differences in the sound of the 802 N and 802 D? I am wondering if the D's are worth the extra $$ they go for.
I can comment on the 805D vs 805N & 802N - all three of which I have owned. I prefer the N tweeter and overall presentation. For whatever reason, the 805D never sounded good to me. I bought them new, played them for 4 months until I had about 350 hrs and still didn't "get" them. Switching back to my beloved 805N and now 802N, I am in heaven.
Sorry for all the duplicates, I'm just getting to know how this all works. And I was a bit harsh. From what I remember, we had a Levinson 433 on the front/center (theater system, obviously) and 2 432s driving the sides and rears. Not that I liked those amps (at all), but they did have some giddyup. One of the guys there has a particularly heavy hand on the volume control, and although I didn't witness it happen, I did see the results. The voice coils were almost completely torn off the cones, hanging by pieces of pulp. I was suprised, for sure, and he was, needless to say, "reprimanded". It was some pretty dynamic stuff he was playing, and just hearing it from afar it was pretty obvious the woofers weren't having a good time. It did surprise me though, that they suffered as bad as they did; and they did seem somewhat underbuilt considering the level of the speaker. Anyway, we did monitor his listening habits after that, and it didn't happen again. As with anything, if you try to destroy it, you'll probably succeed.
I call bull crap on that, blowing woofers left right and center.Unless you guys are complete idiots and are driving the amps into clipping.
I have had many B&Ws including the 802D( which I didn't like) and I currently have the 800D2( fantastic speaker).
B&W are virtually indestructible.
I have been an audiophile for about 30 years and I have never blown any driver in a B&W . I have had Matrix 801 SIII, Matrix 804, matrix 805,805N,804N,803D,802D and most recently 800D2. My current amps are Bryston 7B SST2.