Voxativ loudspeakers and drivers

I wonder if anyone can explain how Voxativ make their single drivers and loudspeakers to sound so natural and artifact free.  After a recent audition I purchased a pair of Zeth loudspeakers which are truly superb with my 300B amplifiers. Contrary opinions would also be welcome.
A small segment in the intro of Stereophile's ampeggio review as well as the measurements partly explains Voxativ's design approach. Maybe you have already read it.


Can I ask where you auditioned/purchased them? I have only heard the 9.87 a few times at shows and the Zeth wood-driver with Zbass module once. They are speakers that have made me stop thinking and just relax, despite their obvious limitations.

Voxaxtiv is active in stating they make woofers and not subwoofers. I appreciate their approach as the 9.87 system was I think the best bass I have ever heard. Perfectly damped, and like few others they avoid the desire for the dreaded bass "slam".  Integration with the Pi was fantastic. I was not so much in to the Zeth w/ Zbass that day. Sound was anemic, although that was just single demo. At a 9.87 demo Voxativ employee said to me he prefers the clarity/detail and bass of the Zeth over the Pi. This confused at the time because the price line up is a little slippery. The customer has think a little bit about what each model is all about. Voxativ, though, has been marketing really well.
I wonder how the Voxativ Ampeggio I own would compare with the Serblin Ktêma.
Voxativ are quite natural but maybe lacking of soundstage with large orchestras.
do these play pretty loud by chance, not concert level but decent volume level?  also, how do they do with classic rock, delta blues and folk/voice/etc

They do. Exceedingly well. John Lee Hooker. Willie Dixon. Lightning Hopkins. Led Zeppelin Kashmir. 
i have a DIY voxativs based on the AF-2.6. Its like their new FIT towers. I have a REL S/5 SHO integrated as well as TAKET BatPro2 super tweeters. I drive all this with low power amplifiers. Lately, i have been driving them directly with a Chord Hugo2. The 1 watt headphone amp is mostly about 50-60% volume and sounds, well, incredible.
I think efficient, point source drivers driven like headphones are the future for nearfield listening. Every type of music I throw at this sounds great.