Mapleshade boards under speakers

Anyone try these, either the finished or unfinished, 2 or 4", with isoblocks or brass feet?
My floors are soft yellow pine, and I've made overall improvements using a panel of birchply under them, wondering what the maple would do? He certainly makes great claims for them.

I couldn't afford Mapleshade blocks at the time so I got Myrtlewood plinths from Battlerock Studios. I placed them underneath my KEF 104/2 speakers and got great results. They are a little over 2" thick. The Myrtlewood plinths along with brass footers really helped with the vibration issues I was having with just the KEFs on my floor. I saw give Myrtlewood a shot.
Actually, I have tried everything under the sun. If you get good results with a maple board under a component you will get even better results by supporting the maple board with hard ceramic, brass or aluminum cones. Furthermore, results can be improved even further by constructing two layers of maple boards and cones.
Note what you are doing when the maple platform is flat on carpet. You are tending to decouple; which is what I have come to prefer. Micro-detail is better, as is the liveliness.
I finally got around to putting some maple cutting boards (John Boos) under my Tonian TL-D1s and can't for the life of me figure out why I didn't do it sooner.

Italian flagstone was too harsh, bamboo too dulling. Putting metal discs under the spikes relieved some of the dulling effect and brought back the leading edges of the highs but the maple without the discs has the best of all worlds.

I'd like to thank whoever it is who posted on another thread that he put the flagstone under the maple with the speaker spiked to the maple as it's the best combo I've heard yet on my carpeted floor.

This is the most natural and balanced sound I've heard and thank everyone here for your input. I know it doesn't work for everyone since so many variables are at stake but in my case, it's just perfect.

All the best,
I concur about using the Maple Platforms coupled with brass footers. I'm using Mapleshade Platforms with brass heavyfoots countersunk into the maple platforms so as to not raise my speakers any higher. My CM-7's sit on Brass Heavyfoots on top of the maple platforms. The setup is actually quite good looking to boot.

The sound improvement was not subtile. I used a Mapleshade custom sized, solid brass weight, with a hole drilled thru as a spacer on the front heavyfoot's to tilt the speakers enough to "time-align" the drivers. It's a real pain to do the setup properly, moving speakers around the carpet before spiking them to the subfloor, getting the tilt correct, etc. BUT....there is no denying it transformed a pair of modestly priced speakers into real gems. The focus, imaging and that elusive 3D effect I love belies the pricepoint of these speakers since I did this setup. I'm SOLD!!! Money well spent.

That said, the results might vary with the quality of your speakers. If you're using really high end speakers that are built like bank vaults, this tweek might not be so dramatic. I can only speak for my results with modest speakers.