Reference 3A MM De Capo vs Legacy Calibre

I am starting the process of putting together a new system. An important design goal is the speakers will be stand mounts. I have heard the De Capo's but not the Calibre's. I am most interested in others opinions on monitor/stand mounted speakers. I am attending RMAF in two weeks and hope to check out ideas while there.

My budget could go as high as 12K for the Reference 3a Reflector.Yet, the less expensive monitors may be good enough.

Please share your ideas and impressions.

Ag insider logo xs@2xchangeout
@changeout  Thanks. If you get a chance to audition the Reflector, do share.
Hi Changeout, 
First off my room is larger than yours, 20 x 28x 10' ceiling opening to an adjacent 9x12x10, essentially an L shaped space, excellent accoustically. Low powered tube amps work well with certain types of music and in smaller rooms. The DeCapo's as well as the Reflectors are reasonably efficient and easy to drive with lower powered tube amps. SET amps? depending on musical tastes and room size. My taste in music runs the full gamut from full orchestral to Rock to intimate jazz, Brazilian and latin music of all variety and vocal from solo to choral. For this music to be played with realism IME requires POWER. I am using a Quicksilver Silver 88 amp with KT150 tubes, very low distortion, low output impedance and without any question among the very finest, nuanced amplifiers I've persopnlly experienced  including numerous SET amps of many varieties. 

With you room size and possiby your musical taste one of your stable of low powered tube amps might work just fine with either of the Reference 3a speakers. In any case regardless of where you ultimately end up, enjoy your journey! The fun part of this hobby is the search for and anticipation of raising our musical enjoyment. Of the speakers mentioned in this thread, I have found the powered ATCs to be intriguing, love to hear them. 

HI\i Tubegroover,

My music tastes are very similar to yours. The horn system had an average efficiency of 108dB per watt. Flea amps could play at deafening volume. The decision to change from the horns is a full commitment to new or different gear.

I plan to visit the Quicksilver room at RMAF. Quicksilver mono 120 or the V4 along with the Primaluna Dialouge HP interest me. I do have a Bryston ST 14B 500 watt amp which might be a fit.

The ATC is a speaker I had not know of prior to Soix call out and I want to hear them as well.

Years ago Carly Simon sang of anticipation I could not agree wit her or yourself of the value added  by the expectant pursuit of a new system.

Post removed 

Hi Steakster,

I appreciate the "good luck" shout out. I know the bass is a challenge. The TAD is another line I had not thought about as a possible selection. I wish they were attending the RMAF.

The ideas are real helpful.