Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or Schiit Yggdrasil?


Theta Pearl
Theta Pro-Prime II

Krell KAV-300i (but possibly Schiit Ragnarok - see that discussion)
Spatial Audio X2

If I wanted to treat myself, which of these comparably-priced DACs should I get?
"I would check out the review in Audio Science Review on the Schiit dac. Very detailed review that was not very good. In fact did not recommend the unit."

Well, I listened to the Yggy with my own ears ... I didn't read a review ... and I sounded dang good to me.
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I would check out the review in Audio Science Review on the Schiit dac. Very detailed review that was not very good. In fact did not recommend the unit.
Pretty sure that review disagrees with virtually all other professional reviews and has been criticized as being simply wrong and garbage.