Monitor Audio Platinum or Magico A3

I am looking to upgrade my Triangle Cellos.  My shortlist was  Magico A3, Triton Reference, Monitor PL300 II, I Magico S3 II, Dynaudio Contour 60,  Spendor D9, Canton K3, Focal Sopra.  (I have not auditioned the MA Platinum or the Dynaudio).

My shortlist now is: Monitor Audio Platinum II and Magico A3.  The Monitor Audio was a Stereophile Product of the year in 2017.  I listen to most music types  except Jazz and Country & Western.  

I would be interested to hear experiences about any of the speakers.  I have, as mentioned, auditioned but have not heard them in my own home.   TIA

Ebm, th Magico A3 may be the best by far for you, but not everyone loves Magicos the A3's included.

There are others who will prefer th Focal Sopras, the Legacy Focus, the Paradigm Personas or a zillion other loudpeakers.

The A3 is a formidable product but so are any of the other loudspeakers I just mentioned. 

There is no absolute in audio, there are many fantastic products each having its strengh, weakness, advantages and disadvantages.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thank you very much for your considered reply.  An upgraded Triangle is out of the question.  I could go for a Sopra or Canton if I wanted to go down that route.    The Sopras were a vast step above the Triangles and the Cantons were a significant step above the Sopras.  So it is partly a question of quality.  I turned down the Sopras at a low price even though they were better than my Triangles.  I am looking for a different presentation from my existing Triangles.  Moving up from Triangle to Focal or even up to Canton is an improvement.  But I am hoping to go to a different level. 
I am sure based on your input that the latest Triangles would be an improvement but I am looking at a different level, providing I can afford it.  Than you again for your input.

To others out there:  have you ever wondered why so many products "punch above their weight".   We NEVER hear of products that punch "below" their weight.  Well in my opinion Triangle punch below their weight.  There are many reasons for this.  One is price.  Second is the problem with with the low impedance - ie you will need a good amp to drive them.  Get a good amp (eg the ATC P1) and these babies will sing.
Just don't get an Anthem 225 and expect miracles.  OK at High levels the Anthem will deliver the goods but otherwise it will not.  If yiu want good low level sound get a Perreaux amp for example. 
AS FAR AS I’M CONCERNED, the Canton 3K are way below the Triangles as far as sound quality goes. And the Sopra No2. has strengths and also weaknesses at a higher price. But I have the newest Cello’s and my system’s pricelist is around 70k eur.... so I squeeze a lot of juice from them. That ATC P1 isn't enough for neither of the Magellan loudspeakers. My 2 cents! :)
The ATC P1 is the same amplifier module that is in many of the world's professional studios - see the ATC website for an astonishing list.  It could drive my cellos with ease.  You must have a fab system if it not up to spec with other components.  I have not sold mine (it is running my office system and I consider it is not outclassed by the Daniel Hertz M6 Pre-amp - a good match actually).  The only reason it is not running in my man rig is that I got offered a Pass 150.8 power amp at a good price.

MAIN COURSE.  I have sold my Triangle Cellos and pulled the trigger on the Magico A3s.  Good Grief!  Midrange: As fab as the Cellos were in midrange this is a large step up.  Piano sounds closer to a real piano.  Same for guitar.  A bit less difference with the viol family and human voice.  Less again with woodwind and brass but still a slight improvement.  Treble:  Not much in it so far.  Some better clarity but the jury (of two) is still out.  Bass:  I had no idea!  Bass is now totally coherent and better.  It is like there is now a foundation of a coherent structure rather than 'oh bass is better/bigger'.  I cannot comment on soundstage as I have not as yet optimised the positioning of the speakers.  So far so good! 
Actually the monitor audio Platinum is much better than the magico, the sound stage is much more three-dimensional and enveloping, the depth and the separation are better as well, so yes one is better than the other.