Best tube dampers that you have used

I currently have a Thor Audio monoblocks TP-150, 8  EL-34's Sovtek tubes for each amp.
Was wondering in anyone's experience will tube dampers improve the sound quality.
Am hesitant to proceed as I have read that  tube dampers can melt from the heat of the tubes and sometimes
cause smoke. Any thoughts would be appreciated.  
Forget expensive audiophile tube dampers, use red silicon "O" Rings are the best bang for buck to quieten tube microphonics used two spaced per tube.

Choose your size, don’t make them too tight, they "can" dent the glass over time.

Cheers George
I'm sold on Herbie's tube dampeners. Way better sounding than the Audio Research dampeners supplied on ARC amps.

Of the 29 tubes in my current setup, not one has a damper on it.  Not for lack of trying them, everything from Herbies to Mapleshade.
If you look long and hard enough you can always find somebody who doesn’t hear it. - Old audiophile expression 😀
I use the Pearl Tube Coolers with a bit of a modification.  I solder a wire to them which I run to chassis ground.  Not only do they drop tube crown temp 10 to 15 degrees they eliminate any RF interference via the grounding and provide damping.