Tube vendor recommendations?

I’m looking for new tubes for some preamps and power amps. Any recommendations of tube vendors would be appreciated, preferably if you have had positive experiences with them. Thanks!
Andy from Vintage Tube Services accepts returns and will work with you to find the right tubes.

Brent Jessee will also exchange tubes.

I agree that Kevin is a DICK !
My dealing with him were not good
He does not want to honor his warranty.
Andy at Vintage Tube Services , is the best
He prefers a phone call.vs email
Below if from his website
" 1. Personal Phone Conversation
Given the complexity and nature of this business, the very best method of contacting me is still via the phone. As I consult with you on the phone, I ask questions about your specific system and give you advice that may not otherwise be apparent or discussed via email. Additionally, my experience is that I get to the bottom of specifically assisting your needs more efficiently and effectively having a personal discussion. My ultimate priorities are the phone calls from my clients and fulfilling their orders. Please feel free to call me. I’d be happy to share my knowledge, experience, and expertise with you. My number is 616.454.3467 "
@grey9hound ...agree totally with you.  Your post may get deleted here by those that don’t want to or can’t hear the truth.  Anyways, well said.  You know, sometimes the truth hurts like a ......

He doesn’t do emails as then there would be proof of what an idiot he is.  Anytime I’ve talked to him, he seems to get flustered quite easily and then asks me if I’d be interested in his used items.

@grey9hound +2  - Kevin is not a nice guy to deal with.  I use Christian Whitmore "Bowie" of Pro Audio Tubes. Nice guy - very knowledgeable.  Email him at
Tube Audio Store (RAM tubes) and Brent Jessee.  Not a fan of Upscale Audio for reasons previously mentioned.  Vintage Tube Services has excellent quality tubes, but you must be willing to wait several weeks to get your tubes.