Nationalism in Audio Products?

In searching out quality products, I am finding that many folks review products, describe products, or even laud products for their being made in so-and-so country. Coming from a first generation household, my mom a Swiss immigrant, my dad, Russian, I can identify with these seemingly stereotypical associations between certain countries' craftspeople and their products. What I mean is, there is some truth to the sterotype that a speaker made in, say, England, might sound better than one made in another place. It even occurred to me the other morning, that since I am planning to upgrade my entire system in the coming years, to see if I could put together an All-Swiss-Made system, being a bit partial to their manufacturing standards (and their chocolate). I found several sets of speakers that didn't look very promising (of course I haven't actually HEARD them). Benz micro is pretty well known. I also know of a Swiss CD player whose price tag depressed me for days. I haven't found any Swiss tube amplifiers and I was starting to not care. Then I found a turntable built by a Swiss company called Holborne. I have since scoured the internet looking for information about it. There is nothing even on Audiogon (searching archives for keyword "Holborne") I would humbly ask any of you if you know anything about this turntable, if it is built to last, if it sounds good, in short, is it a good investment. If there I receive enough contrary advice, I would probably return to my original plan, a little thing built in the US of A called the Galibier Serac.....
A question relevant to countries of origin is that of the ethics involved in the manufacturing. It is important to me to buy audio products I know to be made by people who are involved in their work and get treated fairly. I also want businesses to be good citizens, not to pollute, to use non-endangered products etc., particularly in a hobby I feel so close to. That applies to any country.
Travis, your point about financing inventory is important. It's pretty unusual for goods to be released for export with the vendor taking the credit risk. It's beholded to the buyer to fund his purchases without taking credit from the manufacturer.

Also, consider a product like the Triplanar in the UK. It's always going to be a niche product in relation to the home produced SMEs, Linns, Regas, Hadcocks, Origin Lives, Cartridge Man, etc. It's customary in retail for the slow moving lines to have a higher mark up.

I can't help thinking that it's a bit chicken and egg though. If the Triplanar was more competitively priced in the UK it would attract more interest and, no doubt more sales.
I'm similarly surprised by the lack of Holborne on here...or anywhere at all on the internet! Just purchased their cartridge after a nice listening session. Excited to have it installed in a couple weeks.