PS Audio uber dac

While browsing the PS Audio forums.. talk is.. PS A will be coming out with a $20,000.00 dac in the near future. I think Ted Smith is the design guru. Seems like a lot of scratch for a product from a known ’value for money’ oriented company. Wish them luck...lots of stiff competition in that price range.
I was perfectly content with the PS Audio pair and yes the dac had the Redcloud firmware installed .
A audio friend asked if he could bring over his new dac to try out the I2s compatibility with the PS Audio player along with just hearing it in a completely different system.
The dac was Denafrips Terminator , never heard of it however playback of well recorded familiar music really made me sit up and listen carefully. 
The Denafrip equaled everything the PS senior did with a slightly different flavour to things however what immediately stood out was the sound stage with far better separation particularly front and back , size and location which made listening that much more pleasurable and without getting into a top to bottom forensic analyst here what stuck in my thoughts most was the fact the Denafrips was a couple grand less then PS Audio .
My purchase of the Terminator came days later and after a couple months with it there was an annoying glitch developed where upon first start up the Terminator would reverse channels which had me going through the modes to reset the dac and PS Audio player .

I tend not to waste my time reading through online fan club dribble of certain components including mainstream praises of audio and I never gave Schitt a single thought mainly because of the name and their popular headphone fan base .
However thanks to my friend Clay who does waist a enormous amount of his life online the experience launched me all over the map trying out different front end components where for now I settled with a CEC transport and Yggdrasil DAC 2 and I will add like speakers I believe dacs are also a personal taste component.

I should of added the main reason for selling the Denafrips dac was the fact they did not have any North American representation, the mode glitch I’m sure could of been resolved but to what extent ?

On top this the annoying screen glitches and freeze ups had me questioning how many more firmware updates will it take to resolve these glitches with the PS Audio components ? 
@in_shore If sound quality was the only thing you cared about, and you were to pick between the PS Audio DirectStream and the Denafrips Terminator, which one would it be? 
in shore...Yes...personal taste is of paramount importance when it comes to the sound quality of one's audio equipment choices. 

I do own both the DS dac and DMP transport and think most highly of the sound quality offered by the combo via hdmi. The dac has been trouble free since the get go.. but the transport does have a few glitches that can be annoying. There is supposedly to be a whole new firmware release at months end to fix all misgivings with's hoping to a fully functional player. I am sure it will happen.
Nenon It would be the Denafrips connected to PS Audio Direct stream player checked out through Magnepan 20.7 speakers with subs including Focals Maestro Utopia speakers with subs that revealed differences between the two dacs .
However the Denafrips is a fairly new product with a unproven track record though I understand Denafrips now has North American representation if repairs need to be done.
The PS Audio is in my estimation is poor value for your dollar and the Terminator selling at $4,500.00 I feel the price point is also poor value after listening to a fully run in Yggdrasil analog 2 at $2,400.00.