Krell Digital Vanguard or Parasound Halo integrated?

Looking for actual owner/user opinions on either of this pair of integrated amps.

There maybe other contenders but this is where I am down too right now.

Xlr, rca analog inputs
Digital spdif, toslink, usb inputs.
Headphone amp if possible.( not a major).
Fairly compact, modern, reliable., great factory USA based support.

Will be going into my second home in North Carolina. Sources will be a music server of some description and a tt.
Speakers to be determined but likely small form factor floorstanders or decent stand mounts.

Thank you.
Just so you are aware, the Halo Integrated has been discontinued.  The new product is the HINT 6, an upgraded version of the original model.  The price has also increased from $2,500 to $3,000.  

Some dealers may still have the original in stock, but I think the upgraded version will be worth the extra money.  While the upgrades aren't 'game changers', they are solid and worthwhile improvements that justify the price increase.  The most notable is the improved potentiometer with digital volume readout.
hank you I was not aware of that . I had been just looking at used models primarily.
Both are great units.  I've sold several of the Halo Integrateds and the clients always enjoy them.  The Krell I've heard and it is nice as well.  

I'm not sure you are going to find the answer you are looking for here as I think both units will appeal to a different flavor of speaker.  I've always been of the mindset that you choose your speakers, then your amp - not the other way around.
Yes you could be right but I always prefer to hear from actual owners/users of anything. You can get a great insight into any quirks or known issues and general "what is it like to live with" type of feel.
And usually somebody will also come up with another suggestion which can open other doors of exploration I had missed previously

I had the Parasound Halo Integrated for 1 1/2 years in a secondary system. I had a Sony Music server and a Magnum Dynalab tuner for the front end and GE Triton One speakers. The sound was fast with powerful bass nice smooth mids and good highs. There was detail but never brightness. Only reason I sold it was because I went full Mac.