Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
Occidentalis, Orientalis, Borealis, Australis  Latin (unfortunately) not in vogue. 
Hey everybody,

I won't repeat all the details of what I stated when I wrote to tell Srajan that he was in for a real treat regarding the Kinki EX-M1.  He was kind enough to share my thoughts in his review.

Forget for a moment what this piece sells for, it's performance level will compete with any integrated amplifier I have heard up to the present time.  I have auditioned it with three different sets of speakers for my review for and it's superb music maker.  

David, you will be very interested in one final audition that will happen this Monday, I'll be comparing the EX-M1 to latest generation/reference T+A integrated.  I have a strong hunch that this $2,100 piece will come very close to the performance of the almost 20K German amplifier.  When I first got the Kinki in for review, after a short time, it kept reminding me of the T+A integrated that I have heard before and have great respect for.  So, by hearing them both in the same system I'll come to a conclusion regarding this matter.
@roxy54, I'm actually not that sensitive, as an Asian American who grew up in the US, I've seen and heard it all.  Honestly, it's not a big deal to me, but someone has to call him out.------------------------------------On a different note, Alvin@Vinshine sure seems to know how to pick them.  I'm very interested in this amp.  I'm wondering how it would compare to my Ayre AX5/20.  Maybe, it's time to purchase the Kinki and see if I can downgrade to upgrade.  I could use the extra funds.  :)
@teajay   Terrific to hear how highly you regard this integrated amp. 

Will you be doing a head to head comparison with the T+A in Allen's or Ezra's system?