Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.

Showing 21 responses by david_ten

@nonoise  You were smart to jump on it, immediately. I imagine there will be a strong response to the 6Moons review which will likely impact lead times.
Occidentalis, Orientalis, Borealis, Australis  Latin (unfortunately) not in vogue. 
@almarg  I also noticed the high damping factor but did not make the connection to the low THD spec. 

Thank you for bringing this to my (and our) attention. 

Perhaps @alvin1118 (Alvin / Vinshine Audio) can comment?
@nonoise  Congratulations!!! You move fast. : )  Looking forward to reading your impressions once you have it.
@teajay   Terrific to hear how highly you regard this integrated amp. 

Will you be doing a head to head comparison with the T+A in Allen's or Ezra's system?
@teajay Should be a fun day at Ezra’s place! In addition to the integrated amp comparison, I’m looking forward to your take on how Ezra’s Tekton Ulfberth BEs are settling into his system. Can you share that side of the system 'experience' over on the DI thread?
@teajay Good stuff! Thanks for your honest take and feedback. I’ll be sleeping sounder tonight. : )
@mrdon It’s 6moons’ version for recognizing product excellence, from their perspective / in their opinion. No different than other audio review sites which use other terms/expressions for the same.

does the [Award] really have merit...

For you to decide!!!

"The 6moons Blue Moon Award is bestowed only on components or music releases of rare excellence. The following audio components were deemed outstanding for the specific reasons cited."

Additional information here:
@nonoise  Reaction to the 6Moons review and Blue Moon Award, is the likely reason. : )
@nonoise  Congratulations! That was quick!!! Great to hear you are already enjoying it to the degree you are.
I suggest reaching out to Alvin at Vinshine Audio.

Since 215W at 8Ohm is the only spec listed, and since most amps do not truly double into 4Ohms, a conservative guess would be around 350.

@teajay is currently reviewing the amp. You may also want to reach out to him directly.
From Vinshine Audio website for Kinki Studio:

"Output Power: 215W (8Ω), Both channel driven"
@mboldda1  Nice hearing the excitement in your posts! Looking forward to hearing how it works and sounds within your system.
@pts  Let Alvin know via a detailed email...can't hurt? : )  

They have the what you are asking for is a logical extension of their product lineup.
Report back if you, do speak with him. Even if you don't get all of your questions / issues answered/resolved I'm sure you will have an engaging and productive conversation. He's great over the phone.
@mikicasellas   Reach out to Mike Powell directly. He'll be able to address your questions. I've found him to be very helpful over the phone.
@spoutmouzert  There are a few active members / owners of this amp, who can help.

You can also post on the Kinki Studio Facebook page, where Alvin / Vinshine Audio is active with support, etc.