12 Volt Trigger/Amp Question??

Well I am rather new to separates and just realized I could use the 12v triggers between my Outlaw 950 and Adcom gfa 7400. Now it appears to be working fine, but my first question: is it ok to use this trigger between these two separates even though they are different brands??

Second question: Should the amp be on first or vice versa?? Basically is it alright for them to be turned on at the same time??
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Well i do notice it makes a thud noise when I turn on the processor and it triggers the amp instantly, but I do this before turning on the cable box or source.

Is it ok for the speakers as long as the source is turned on last???? I just figure since there is no source it would be fine, but what do I know.
Hope my post to your query of remote powering an GFA 7400 helped. If your source isn't 12 volt triggered then have it on first.