I've heard the MartinLogan CLX.... WOW

WOW. Amazing.. Spectacular. Astonishing.

Can't say enough good things about them... I spent the entire day last Saturday at ML headquarters in Lawrence, KS in their listening room. Me and my CDs with the doors closed for 8 hours!!

I've written a full review on the ML Club website.

martinloganowners dot com
But the CLX is still current and still one of the best transducers I have had the pleasure of listening to music through.

Rower30, you wrote a great appraisal and I agree with it wholeheartedly.

The CLX is a very unique product, and one that captures music oh so well. The music should add the "color" and "warmth" to the sound, not the hardware. When we really get the chance to change the hardware for something that is a BIG step in the right direction, we tend to get cold feet.

"Most stuff is dynamic drivers, so this amazing sound must be wrong." - No it isn't. We simply are so used to so much coloration we accept it as a standard. It is indeed a standard, but not an accurate one.

Want rich full sound? Throw on Allen Taylor - Colour to the moon. Want a thin harder ambient sound? Throw on Adelle 19. The range is all there in the CLX, and the lack of color allows the full range of source material to come through to a much wider degree than anything I've used before.

I'm a victim of this myself. This isn't the only speaker system I've owned, but it is the only speaker I've owned that's been so "correct" to the point of embarrassment from my previous standard(s)...B&W 801's, Vandersteen Quatro, C4's and the CLX.

And yes, I know this thread is older...a shame to that the nature of the CLX isn't discussed more often. It is a truly accurate and affordable hi-end transducer.