Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?

I was wondering if there are any really good cd cleaners on the market . Like maybe an ultra sonic cleaner? Right now i am just using a spray cd cleaner and a cloth. Thanks...
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@georgehifi +100 on the bogusola @ Machina Dynamica and its progentitor.

>>>>Et tu, Brute? And did your spell checker break down, eelsy? George can’t help it, he’s on that big superstitious island in the Pacific.
In the first place polycarbonate is only 90% transparent so what’s the difference? Second the new SHD CDs and SACDs are compressed to death so who cares? Third, most of the scattered laser light is invisible anyway. So, again, who cares? 🙄

I've spent some time on this, so I'll share what I've found... for what it's worth.

Why clean a CD (SACD, DVD, etc.)?  New CDs have a mold release compound on them, much like LPs.  They may also be covered with 'micro-dust' from the plant where they were pressed.  Both impede the laser and cause more error correction.  In most cases, you only need to clean (or treat) new discs.

Warm water & mild hand-soap will do about 90% of the job, but a good treatment will do even more (for better or worse - read on...).

I've tried a number of CD treatments, Ultrabit, Liquid Resolution, Shine-Ola and maybe a few more. All provided 'cleaner' sound, but also added brightness to the sonic balance.  Liquid Res. was the most neutral of those above (but no longer available).  HOWEVER...

the absolute BEST of all is L'ART DU SON.  It not only cleans the CDS, it also provides a very natural sonic balance and almost seems to enrich the midrange.  I use it on every new disc I buy.  VERY highly recommended!

@aalenik....I did buy the L ART DU SON.  From the Cable Co...Cant wait to get it and try it... 
I just uncovered a stash of Liquid Res. Hurray! Also, I’ve heard conflicting reports about whether mold release compound is used in manufacturing CDs. Anyone know the real story? Maybe an old episode of How Things are Made. I also invested in Essence of Music a few years ago but I’ll be darned if I hear any change. Am I going deaf?