Music Server Recommendation

Hello AG community,
I have embarked down the path of getting my music off my computer (iMAC>USB Drive>Ethernet) and on to a dedicated music server.  Primarily I am looking for significantly improved sound quality and instant on. It will feed my DAC (most likely via USB). Need 4TB in onboard storage (no attached drives/NAS). I would really prefer to stay with Roon (have a lifetime sub) but will consider others with equal or superior functionality/sound/remote app.
Budget is $4-5k

My current primary equipment:
PS Audio DirectStream Jr/Oppo BDP-105
Ayre K-5xe Pre
Conrad Johnson MF2500a Amp
Vandersteen Quatro Woods
AQ Niagra 1000
AQ cables

I have been considering the below:

In the lead:
Antipodes EX (+ 4TB SSD)/Roon $5100
Innuous Zenith MKII Std/Roon $?? (can't figure out the US cost yet)

I really like the Antipodes especially the modular approach (ability to add a CX down the road), reviews and their reputation. Innuous seems like it may rival the Antipodes in sound quality. Both are not the easiest to buy or figure out sellers/distributors/pricing.

Aurender N100H $3000
Melco N1 MKII $??

Aurender is readily avail. Conductor app is generally well regarded. Would prefer the N10 but it is out of my range. I have heard some negatives regarding this unit being a bit shrill (definitely not anything I would be happy with). The Melco is very interesting and meets the sound quality std but is probably the fussiest from a setup perspective. Their software/remote app is probably the weakest of this group. Also confused about the 2 x XTB setup (is this a raid array or combined storage)?

What other products should I seriously consider in that price range? Is the budget sufficient for my requirements or should I look used or wait and save more?

Thank you in advance and look forward to your feedback

I’m in a similar position, running Roon ROCK on a PC into Matrix X spdif 2 USB>I2S into DS. Sounds pretty darn good but wonder how much more a proper server would improve things.   Adding the Matrix DDC really cleaned up the USB signal allowing it to become much more dynamic and well cleaner with less treble fuzz.

I too would like to stick with Roon (lifetime), Pink Faun are hand built in Scandinavia and thus difficult to eval in US at home but the/he welcomes returns up to 30 days to allow a trial for the cost of return shipping of course ~$100.  

I’ve not been terribly impressed with very many other builds. Many of them are not much more than slightly customized PCs.  Pink Faun, Antipodes look well done.  Wolf, not so much.  Aurender doesn't run ROCK.

P.S. I had Vandersteen 2Ce Sigs for about 20 years. I enjoyed them very much, alas they were too large for my semi-retirement downsized house.
Regarding Wolf, they don't speak to anything they've done or changed about the hardware to differentiate it from say a NUC (at least I can't find it on their website) vs. Antipodes that goes to great lengths to detail their philosophy and what they've done to isolate different sections of hardware involved and the very special power supplies, multiple power supplies keeping noise separate.

I see the Pink Faun as very much like the Antipodes from an engineering standpoint without the marketing budget or fancy case...and thus less costly spend.  PF also has an in-house built I2S output avoiding any conversion to USB or other to feed directly into DS.

This all said, I read reviews like this one of the Aurender N100H that compare it to a completely untreated laptop USB signal into DAC.

'Between the Roon and Aurender servers, differences in “Folia Rodrigo Martinez” were slight but generally favored the N100H. While the Roon-based setup was eminently listenable, the N100H sounded slightly more relaxed, with harmonic structures that were a bit richer. And while the Roon setup sounded slightly less dynamic than the N100H, it was scarcely lacking in this regard. However,
bass extended just as deep, with as much impact, and the soundstage was as expansive.'  

This does not read like it warrants the spend for the improvement to me.
FYI, the Melco is only around $2000.  There is a very knowledgeable Melco dealer in Edison, NJ - Care Audio.  The Melco also got a pretty good review in one of the big rags (Stereophile or TAS).

I would give serious consideration to the Melco.  I heard it (in the context of an unfamiliar system) and it sounded very good to my ears.
I agree, the Melco hardware appears very well done, alas it does not run Roon Core software. I too am willing to give up the convenience of Roon but whatever replaces it must have the same functionality that I use in Roon, and a brilliant interface or it will be a step back for me.

If, when, a change isn’t smack me in the face (ears) better for me, like the Matrix X Spidf 2 was, it’s simply not worth losing anything else in the process hence my hesitation to give up Roon convenience.