Wife wants a black faced receiver to replace Rotel

This is nuts...but SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) does not like the look of my Rotel 1056 receiver (driving 3 B&W LCR6 and 2-B&W in-ceiling surrounds, and feeding 2-Velodyne SPL 10s).

Everything was fine until I brought home the Sony KDL52XBR4 LCD tv and a black stand to put it on. Coupled with the black Directv HD DVR and black DVD player, I'm screwed...the Rotel sticks out like a sore thumb...

So, any recommendations for a comparable or better receiver for similar (or slightly higher) money? I love my Rotel...

Thanks for your help
Don't you just love how the industry changes from black to silver then back to black every so many years. TVs and DirecTV boxes were all silver a few years ago and now they are all black. This mismatch of colors in a system is a real issue and manufacturers know people will buy new stuff to deal with it.
Used B&K. About the only in-between step to separates. Built like a tank. Made in the USA too.
I got wife p*ssed. Am I the only one that stands up against their pushy wife?