Please evaluate my system...

Interested in what you guys think of the following and if there are any obvious weaknesses:

- VPI Super Scoutmaster (standard)
- Denon DL103 with Paratrace retip
- Linn Linto phono stage
- Audio Research Ref 3 preamp
- Cyrus APA7.5 Monoblocks
- Focal Scala Utopia III Version 1

Not sure where to take the system next! Thanks, Tim

What a horrible system! I’d be embarrassed. Come on man. Your stuff is better than at least 3/4 of the people on this forum. If it sounds good to you it’s good. Enjoy it. 
Thanks for the advice. Few bits more info in case it's of value. 

Speaker cable is Chord Odyssey. I have some pure silver interconnects. 

I get the cart recommendation, I'm interested in looking at a high range for that. What sort of price / which cart, would be sensible to upgrade to? Thanks for the advice on the Lyra, will look into this.

With regards to isolation I have some in place, decent enough rack and some Sorbethene feet on most of the kit. I'm not convinced with the value of expensive isolation pieces I've tried quite a few and can't tell much difference. I'm on a concrete floor with the speakers so may have something to do with it. 

Never heard the difference between mains cables, I'm still not a believer having heard £3000 worth of them and couldn't tell the difference. I've had Ben Duncan mains conditioners which seemed to work well. 

 Interesting on the phono stage, I see the Linn is very well reviewed across the board, surprised it's coming up as a weak component. Not sure how easy Herron is to get in the UK, I wouldn't buy new there are simply too many bargains second hand floating around. I find the balance of the system to be fine so wouldn't want any more valves (not that the Herron has them), which could bloat the sound. 

Ultimately I like a big soundstage and although good I think it could be improved. 

Thanks, Tim 
Speakers. Plenty of good UK speakers to try. Plenty of good amps too! Try EAR Yoshino!

At your level, it is more about taste and preference.
Speakers? The Focal's I have are the best I've heard! Take it you don't like Focal.