Synergistic amps for Klipsch Cornwall speakers?

My dad owns a vintage pair of Klipsch Cornwall speakers.

Just wondering what amps / integrated amps are known synergistic combos with these speakers.
My personal favorite, and what I'm using as i write this, McIntosh MC275. The sound is wonderful.
Tubes are going to be the best. If you go with SS, I would recommend Plinius very highly.

And as always, upgrade those crossovers, you will not believe the sonic improvement that can be had just by replacing the original caps, resistors, iron-core inductors, and internal wiring. The best thing you can do for Klipsch speakers.
tube amps are real nice. there are lots of good ones out there, but these are not cheap. talk to brian higdon at petery-hedden co. for a good deal on an integrated jolida amp. I did and I am happy with it. very happy. I like an integrated amp because it eliminates the need for another piece of gear, and another set of interconnects. another electrical outlet, and the cost of it. do a search for petery-hedden using google. give brian a call. they have a store and sell on-line as well.