Linear Tube Audio at Axpona

I would love to hear from folks who had a chance to check out the Linear Tube Audio gear at the show (Teajay?)? I'm very interested in the new ultra linear amp which got good advance notice here at Audiogon, and the preamp which seems a refinement of the microzotl.
Anybody know if the MZ2 will drive Audio Note E/SPe He speakers directly?  I have ordered some, and they won't be here for a few months, so i have time to upgrade, if necessary.  Thanks,

@doni, I’m guessing there’s no one on this forum with that combination of amp and speakers. Your Audio Note being efficient will play fairly loud is my guess, not rocking the house loud though. If you have a smallish room it just might work well. The MZ2’s 1 watt of class A makes my 93 db radials sing into the 80 db levels before clipping. You will not have much headroom though.
@lancelock , thanks for your input.  I have other options, so will try it and see how it sounds.  Seems like AN speakers go best with AN amps, so that may be the ultimate direction.
@doni, LTA has a generous trial offer. So you can try it out for 30 days and shipping is minimal because the unit weighs next to nothing.
@doni  I encourage you to take advantage of LTA's trial offer. The only way to know is to get it in your system. All the best.