Rega RP8 or Pro-ject Xtension 10

I'm looking to buy a new turntable and wanted to know thoughts on my two finalist. The Rega RP8 with the Apheta 2 cartridge or the Project Xtension 10 with the Sumiko Pearwood Celebration ll cartridge. I have the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp and PL Dialogue Premium HP mono-block amps driving a pair of Magnepan 20.7's. I am also auditioning the Rega Aria phono-stage and the Lehmann audio Black cube SE ll. If you have any experience with any of the above your opinion would be much appreciated.



I haven't listened to the Mitchell Gyro SE as there is no dealer who sells that brand in my area. These are the two I have narrowed my choices down to. I have a budget of $5,500.


Between those two, Rega RP8 without doubt! But Gyro SE is on a different level better. And with your budget, you may even be able to get an SME Model 10. 
@donvito101 SME 10 can be had new for under $4500, from various legitimate sources. Minus the tonearm. I'll leave it up to you to find them.