Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)

Let's give a shout-out to those very small speaker companies that make excellent products.  I'm thinking of true one-man operations (owner-designer-maker) as well as very small ones (owner-designer + a very few employees).

My nominees: Ryan, Prana, Philharmonic, Fritz, Watkins, Vaughn, Chapman, even Daedalus, Salk, Selah.

Who else belongs in this list?

How do they manage to compete with the "big boys", in quality if not in quantity?

Most definitely as others have mentioned is Joseph audio for sure for his crazy good designs,customer service,and is just a genuinely passionate great dude.

I would also like to add,Lawrence Audio and Silverline Audio,
I own Speakers from each and without question they are both long term keepers for me.

More to follow,and to the OP thanks for starting this None Tekton thread,
I'm glad I found Horning Hybrid (Tommy Horning/Denmark) and GR Research (Danny/Texas). All my gear is like this, because of the incredible personal service.

Some critics will say that these tiny speaker companies use cabinet kits and then pop-in other company's speakers. Tommy rebuilds drivers and tweeters extensively and designs and builds his own cabinets. Hand-crafted beautiful work. Danny holds patents in what he's designed working insync with Rythmik. I use his subs combined with custom built cabinets. I picked out and ordered the veneer and got to see the progress of the assembly. I also got involved with some DIY.

For me, this has taken the hobby to a new level of enjoyment and interest. I've been long done with the big brands, heavy marketing, and promises.