Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
@ct0517  Re: Setup:  I've tried all variations of setup with the VPI/ET/Delos and it always remains a little bright.  Yet with the Delos on the Garrard/Ortofon that slightly bright, etched sound goes away.  We are using bright and etched with the same meaning.  Smooth was probably not a good choice.  Rich would have been a better choice for what I hear from the Delos on the Garrard/Ortofon.  Not at all rolled off in highs or lows, but an increase in detail in the mid range.  More liquid and a blacker background. 

I really don't expect a carbon fiber arm wand to make a dramatic difference, but, hey, I've got an aluminum and 2 mags, so why not have one of each.

The Delos on the VPI/ET was setup at mid point of VTF range (1.75) and, as recommended, level with record (no VTA cranked in or out.)  On the Garrard it is set up slightly nose down, tail up  The VDH Black Beauty on the VPI/ET is also set at the midpoint of recommended VTF and very slight nose down, tail up VTA.  

I am not loading either cartridge on either table.  My CAT SL-1 is 47k ohms.  I tried loading the Delos on the VPI/ET at 40, 80 & 100 ohms.  All rolled off the highs too much.  I have since made a 1000 ohm loading plug but have not tried it with the Delos on the VPI/ET. 

No, the CAT has no gain adjustment, just volume. 

The Garrard appears to be running steady at correct speed.

The interesting part is on the VPI/ET rig I am very happy with the VDH, but not so much the Delos.  Yet, on the Garrard/Ortofon I am extremely pleased with the result from the Delos.  Indeed, with the Delos on the Garrard and the VDH on the VPI they sound very similar.  Interesting because these cartridges are so radically different.

I think you have a misperception of where I live.  While I am in the South, I am in extreme Western North Carolina in the mountains.  We do not get those oppressively hot temperatures in the summer (regardless of what Al Gore would have you believe.) 
I run my MC carts with no load at 47k also. I have found that with adjustable gain, with those LPs that are recorded brighter if I turn down the gain a bit, I don't have to fiddle with VTA. With digital and its high compression on many albums this feature is invaluable.

My Lenco idler I thought was at speed at the factory slot setting of 33 1/3, but when I measured it with the tachometer I found it was set to run fast and it needed to be dialed down. I found this on a couple other decks too. Reason I asked. 
Thought you were located where it got real hot. My bad. The mountains sound great.

@ct0517   Over Dinner I was thinking about our discussion.  I'm pleased with the Delos on the Garrard and I'm pleased with the VDH on the VPI.  Some might ask, why not just leave them alone.  Those would ask such a question would obviously not be audiophiles:)
The description of the sonic change with the Garrard reminds me of my friends system when he changed to a Lenco. Even with a very simple plinth the very satisfying solidity and propelling musicality just popped out of the speakers. Just *a lot* more "there there"!
This was compared with same cartridge (Benz LP-S) on a WTT Signature (rare beast!) to a Funk tt with FX arm. Both are in no way slouches in regard to transparency and quickness etc.
Regarding the thinness of the Delos on the VPI: When I tweaked & optimized a Benz for a customer I was astonished at how audible changes above 0.01-0.02 gram were. Too low and one gets an exciting, but edge of the seat sound, that sounds stressed sort of. Too high and the sound gets a bit dull and slow in the bass, with a lack of open timbres.
The easy way to tweak is to set the VTF low and start with small, measured Blue-Tak balls, that are lightly stuck to the headshell. (Yes they change the sound slight by themselves - but more slightly than the weight change)
Too low or high VTF has obviously the opposite signature to VTA changes. I think that the changes with tracking force are only partially explainable with implicite VTA changes. And I feel that the effect is more pronounced than VTA changes.
If one starts to think about tweaking VTA and loading, my experience is that is crucial to really first tweak tracking force (VTF) by ear, with a precise digital tracking gauge. - And high precision & repeatability in setting the needle down on the gauge.
@pegasus . Thanks for the tip on VTF.  I'm so pleased with the Delos on the Garrard and its sense of "there", it's probably going to stay on the Garrard.  Don't want to touch it for fear of losing the magic.  The Delos is a whole different cartridge on the Garrard.   I did, however, play with VTF and VTA with the VDH on the VPI to a nice result (good grief is that enough V's for you).  I lightened VTF just a tad (.03) and went just a little more nose down with VTA.  As you predicted it firmed up the bass and made cymbals more wispy.  Not sizzley but more delicate.