Ps Audio BHK preamp Vs ARC best preamps

Hello to everyone in this forum, I'm Mario from Venice, Italy and I'm a new member even if I read your posts since a lot of time.

First of all sorry for my written english, I will try to do my best.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to compare the BHK preamp with the best of ARC production and in my opinion this means with LS 22, LS 25 (both the versions...), Ref 3, Ref 5SE and so on.

Thank you for sharing  your impressions.

Dear Alan and nomayo,

yes, I think that you are both right except for the fact that I'm waiting for the BHK 250 and not for the monos which in Italy cost an embarrassing bunch of money...

I will start with the DSd + BHK 250 configuration and with no hurry I will try to test them adding a borrowed BHK preamp, it will be a joy to discover the improvements...

Thank you! 

On my speaker based audio system I am presently using an Audio Research LS27 preamp, but only a simple Odyssey Khartago amplifier.  The reason is right now simply finances.  But why I am mentioning this at this time that I still am able to achieve a quite presentable audio system in spite of the vast cost differences betwen the two.  In my opinion the preamplifier being used is more important than the amplifier being used.  Thus I would bet than having a PS Audio BHK preamplifier to use with their stereo Stella amplifier would create a much sound than using their $1500 preamplifier with their 250 amplifier.  With my Audio Research LS27, using high gain, I get excellent sound with my little 110 watts per channel amplifier.  Which helps explain why Alan Wolfe of Magico used to use the same exact Odyssey for his own audio dydtem as I presently do.  And on paper the simularities between my LS27 and the BHK preamplifiers seem very simular.  Which one sounds best would a direct comparison between the two.  Again, thru going on 50 years in audio I personally think the preamplifier isthe single most important part of a high quality audio system, and that an audio system should be centered upon it for best results.
I meant the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell Dac for $1799.  But my point is, as owners of the top of the BKH electronics have replied already that the addition of the BKK preamplifier adds great to the quality of the audio quality, it the just comes to which paticular preamplifier with what amplifier works best.  With the quesstion of speakers used on what combination.  In fact in many situations the most important factor may be the amplifier-speaker combination.  Perhaps a tube amplifier driving a digital system might work.  But again in my experience the addition of a preamplifier such as my Audio Research makes everything played thru it sound better.  Much, much better.  And the BHK preamplifier is very simular-each using just two little tubes to help make magic.
It sounds like some of you have gone the route of the BHK 250, added the preamp, then upgraded the mono's.

Has anyone compared the 250 with Preamp, vs  just the mono's without the preamp?

My budget just supports either or, I just can't make it to the mono with preamp. I already have a DirectStream DAC and don't do vinyl