New Acoustic Zen Adagio loudspeakers

Any opinions/comments on the new AZ Adagio loudspeakers? Are they compatible with tube amplifiers?
Robert Lee was asked this very question while auditioning the Adagio at THE SHOW. His response was an emphatic yes. Certainly at 89 dB and 6 Ohm nominal impedence, it would be easily driven by many tube amps.
is there a picture of these speakers somewhere on the net? Just curious what they look like.
The Adagio's are very SET friendly! Your Cary SLI-80 cranks out 80wpc in ultra-linear mode and 40 watts in triode which I think would be a match made in heaven with the Adagio. I ordered my Adagio's a while after RMAF, as the Zen room pulled me back for 3 lengthy listening sessions. I received them prior to xmas and I have tested them with a pair of SET 15 wpc 6C33 mono-blocks. We just moved into our new home on Jan 15th, and my new listening room is now quite large. I have a friend who is selling his deHavilland Ios ST 845 integrated, to move into a pair of GM70's. So I jumped on the Ios as at 27wpc, it will give me the oomph I need in my now larger room. As Kmillette mentioned at 89 dB and 6 Ohm nominal impedence, it would be easily driven by many tube amps.