Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.

I am still enjoying my Coherent speakers , especially now that they have some time on them.....just perfect for the music I listen too. Currently fall is here and I am listening to more LP's on my Funk LSD with the FXIIR arm.....magic with a good single malt:-)

Really Frank is one of the super people in HI-FI and I cannot praise enough his product or service...simply superb!
Well thought to update people about these amazing time has gone by they have only improved.....but recently I had the opportunity to put a Don Garber 2a3  FI-X on them...all I can say is WOW!!! The speakers were really voiced for this tube....and all these years being a 300b person I did know what else was out there....needless to say I am overwhelmed. The 2a3 tubes were a pair of Sovteks and then a Pair of KR.....I am so impressed that today I ordered a new Triode Labs integrate 2a3......again without hearing or auditioning it first but on the good advice of Frank Fazzalari.
It will be some weeks before it is here but I will let you all know how the combo sounds.......

Checked the Coherant site again, and they continue to be amazingly lame. Ironically not "coherant" at all, with one product shown on the front page, and another smaller monitor displayed and described…note to Frank (or whomever is responsible), please fire your web designer.
Re-posted from another forum.
Well making the website better has been on my to do list for a year or so.  The problem is I have no time, I'm good for 7 to 8 hours a day so have to spend them in the shop making customers speakers and new prototypes. Will get help to post more models soon.

All my customers email me and I send all the info to them. If you are interested just email me.

Frank or off my web site.