Roger Waters Amused To Death

I realize I might be in the minority on this one, but after recently purchasing this Analogue Productions pressing and listening to it a few times, I can honestly say I am not impressed.  
First of all, the content is less than compelling.  I enjoyed Roger Waters' work with Pink Floyd and even some of his other solo works, but this record feels like pretentious drivel.  
Second, and more importantly, the sound quality is so artificial sounding that it's annoying.  The overly holographic sound stage is hard to listen to.  To me, this kind of production is too glossy and lacks musicality and warmth.  It sounds more like a movie played in surround than it does a two channel stereo recording.  
I found the title a bit ironic, in that the style of recording and all the sound effects he used are nothing more than amusement, adding little if anything to the message.  
I just put my copy back on the shelf and I do not expect to ever play it again.  
I agree with a lot of other comments. It has to grow on you. It's similar but different from Pink Floyd.
The militant pacifism of Amused to Death was a bulls eye, as is Is This the Life We Really Want.  Neither is palliative music, but once a generation or so a musical dose of castor oil is a fitting wake up call. Thank you Roger.  
+1 dgarretson.    An inventively crafted mosaic requiring articulate audio gear to convey a warning to listeners sadly even more relevant today than it was a quarter of a century ago. 
@snackeyp :
Contrary to previous Pink Floyd or Roger Waters albums, the Amused to death has not seen a radio play to any of the songs. Our ears were not prepared to assimilate with the specific sound production style.

I suggest this:
- listen to the song "Brain Damage" from the Dark Side of The Moon for 4-5 times.

- Please accept the idea & the theme of the " Amused To Death" is the human race is captivated by the TV screen & we continuously are switching between the TV channels. We are surrounded by TV material in this life. Hence you have that feeling of " it sounds like a movie"

- Then, Please read the lyrics of this specific song " It's A Miracle "

- Listen to " It's A Miracle"
Chances are high that you'd start accepting to revisit this Album.
Roger Waters has wondered of the huge success of the Dark Side of the Moon although of the "Naivety"  of it's lyrics that he penned down then.

I thought of writing the above to you without going to any superlatives about the composing & production levels that won - in 2016- the "Amused to Death" a Grammy award for the best surround album.