Looking for speaker suggestions

I am currently contemplating a speaker upgrade. I do very much like my current Shahinian Hawks and will most probably keep them in reserve, as I can always use the bottoms as a pair of subs. But I have listening more recently to a lot more Jazz and classic rock.

 I initially considered trying the Klipsch Heresy III’s again after owning the II’s years ago but from what I read they have not done away with the fatiguing factor that drove me from them initially. Although my system has changed dramatically since then also.

 I am thinking of keeping them used as you can usually end up with a speaker you can’t afford new that way, perhaps they are older technology but that is the tradeoff. Wilson Puppy could fit the bill, but condition is also a factor.

Listening room is dedicated, 15 x 25. Associated electronics, ARC LS27, Levinson 333, PS Audio Direct Stream, PS Memory Player and a Magnum Dynalab MD809

Budget, ideally around 5k but can go more for something exceptional (max 10k)


@stevea11757...Charney Audio is in Somerset NJ, depending on where your at in the city 1/2 hour to hour away. Contact Brian and arrange for an audition. If you don't drive Brian might be able to arrange a pick up at a train station or ferry terminal. Well worth the listen if you have the time.
As I head into Jersey all the time, I will have to make a point of getting by there on the next trip through
williwwonka, they seem to be a little out of my budget range, but a interesting design and looks be be well worth a listen


Magnepan 3.7i would be a great addition. Don't believe the nonsense about needing a great deal of power. With proper set up and at reasonable listening levels the Maggie's can take you to music nirvana. You have the room to make them sing. I'm not familiar with your amp. Is it solid state or tubes. I personally believe Maggie's sound best with tubes.


@stevea11757  - sorry about that - I looked at the price of the Shaniian Hawk speakers below and made a bit of  an assumption :-) But the Avantgarde are superb sounding speakers


Another speaker that I love is the Gershman Acoustics GAP828

I have the baby brother "Sonograms" which are no longer made and a steal at the price price I paid - mine were 40% off MSRP

Both are very neutral and "invisible" with fast dynamics and exceptional clarity and imaging.

The GAP828 is a stunning looker and as far as performance goes - the 828's has a little deeper bass than the sonograms and they can handle more power

The Avant Garde R1 for me was not worth the exrta money i.e. they sounded almost identical to the Sonogram.

It may be a little hard to find Gershman dealers - contact Gershman for a dealer in your area

They generally sell new for less than the MSRP 
Regards - Steve