New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

  I read in the dagogo review you can do a balanced xlr termination. Can you do a balanced gc2 version. Coincidently I am just up the road from you in Belleville. 

My GC II have settled in with constant playback from last week and THEY ARE SENSATIONAL ! '........I apologize for shouting  

Now I have a far better idea what my playback components are really capable of including how great many recordings truly are. WOW .
One of the very best bang for the buck you could ever find in cables .


That's awesome! Their cables really captures that live event and can only imagine that the sensation has been magnified with the tweaks! Definitely a bargain...
