300B amp, Shearwaters, 508.24. Any reason why this wouldn't

sound great.???

I am concerned about the low wattage ( 24 wpc. ) of this amp I am looking at. The question I have for all you folks is: a.) Would this be enough power?, and b.)Is there any reason why this should not sound very musical?

Now please don't offer me alternatives, like saying, ie. "I think if you had "brand X" player your system would sound...... blah, blah, blah...

I guess this question would be of interest to those out there who either own, or have heard a good 300b amp driving a Meadowlark product and what you heard. I am in a 13x21' room, system is firing lengthwise, (set-up along shorter wall).... I listen to mostly light jazz, classical, the odd pop tune, volume levels always respectful of other memebers of the house ie. lower to medium-well :>)
thanks, Audioman
The first line of my prefious post was cut off. It went something like this - I auditioned a Cary SEI300B amp with Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods.

Sorry about all the typos, I was watching the Sci-fi channel and typing.
I had a similar set-up...Cary single ended amps, Meadowlark Kestrels and Meridian 506.20 CDP...very good sound for the money...excellent soundstage, lush midrange and very good pace...the 300B tubes never missed a beat...i was listening to classical works and the only porblem were big and powerful orchestral works...Mahler, Wagner, etc where the amps couldn't keep up with the fast transients...for jazz, chamber music, etc is the ideal setup...
I used a 30 W/pc Antique Sound Lab AQ1003DT and it was plenty loud and sounded great. 
4 - EL34 tubes in ultralinear mode
You may have won the prize @arcamadeus  this thread was almost 17 years old I think it's the oldest one I've seen responded to! :p